Thursday, April 27, 2017
Dr. T. Rama Prasad's QUOTES
(one hundred quotes)
1. "You had learnt to live with your wife / husband.
Now learn to live with Mrs. / Mr. Corona also.
Because you are wedded to both and can't divorce !" -- T. Rama Prasad
"Anything is OK so long as you are not near the 'corona infected', known or unknown. But the problem is how to know the unknown -- so take precautions, but don't be obsessive and theoretical." -- T. Rama Prasad
2. "Trees don't hate humans as they are brainless. Who are brainless ? Both !" -- T. Rama Prasad
2. "FASHION is blind, more blind with
these fashionable spectacles !"
Even the ‘Quotable Quotes’ are ‘flexible’. Many popular quotations are misquotations, misattributions and edited versions of sayings. Read “The Quote verifier: Who Said What, Where and When” by Ralph Keyes who is an intrepid quote-detective and who separated the wheat of authentic quotes from the chaff of spurious and misattributed aphorisms. The quote “Be the change you wish to see in the world” which is attributed to Mahatma Gandhi is not found in the published works of Gandhiji. In the month of February 2016, in connection with the US elections, Republican Presidential front runner Donald Trump posted on Instagram the following quote: “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win -- Mahatma Gandhi.” Obviously he was drawing a parallel to his own plight. Fighting went on ... and he won ! American media said there is no evidence that Mahatma Gandhi had ever used these words. But they are present among the quotes on the Net. Another shocker ... it is said that Sherlock Holmes never uttered as such the famous words “Elementary, my dear Watson.”
English language is a dynamic one, and expressions change like flowing water. Meaning of some words change and new words are created according to the need of the day. In olden days, 'mail' used to mean only one thing. Now, we have 'E-mail' and 'Snail mail' ! 'Quote' by definition means a quotation from a text or speech cited by someone other than the original author or speaker. Nowadays, one quotes his own quotations. Quotes, in general, are considered worthwhile to read but not widely followed. 'My quotes' attached hereunder may be of the same old ideas put in a slightly different mould ... perhaps, they may make you leave this page with a sense of déjà vu ! . -- T. Rama Prasad.
English language is a dynamic one, and expressions change like flowing water. Meaning of some words change and new words are created according to the need of the day. In olden days, 'mail' used to mean only one thing. Now, we have 'E-mail' and 'Snail mail' ! 'Quote' by definition means a quotation from a text or speech cited by someone other than the original author or speaker. Nowadays, one quotes his own quotations. Quotes, in general, are considered worthwhile to read but not widely followed. 'My quotes' attached hereunder may be of the same old ideas put in a slightly different mould ... perhaps, they may make you leave this page with a sense of déjà vu ! . -- T. Rama Prasad.
1. "You had learnt to live with your wife / husband.
Now learn to live with Mrs. / Mr. Corona also.
Because you are wedded to both and can't divorce !" -- T. Rama Prasad
"COVID-19 is our permanent guest. When it mutates into a less lethal strain, it would be just another guest like H1N1, AIDS, Dengue, Flu viruses, etcetera about which we don't bother so much. Finding absolutely effective vaccines against all these guests is a distant dream. Until then we have to learn to live with them as good hosts !" -- T. Rama Prasad
"Anything is OK so long as you are not near the 'corona infected', known or unknown. But the problem is how to know the unknown -- so take precautions, but don't be obsessive and theoretical." -- T. Rama Prasad
"Except for its 'CYTOKINE STORM', corona could have been just 'A STORM IN A TEACUP' " -- T. Rama Prasad
"The good old halcyon days have well and truly come to an end with the uncertainty of a truly safe and effective vaccine." -- T. Rama Prasad
"Panicky over-reaction to corona deaths has destroyed global economy;
Strict implementation of 'hygiene advisory' would have been sufficient."
Strict implementation of 'hygiene advisory' would have been sufficient."
-- T. Rama Prasad
"Going forward, the COVID-19 could become a 'viral/bacterial syndemic' posing to kill many more synergistically by joining hands with other microbes, what with the antibiotic resistance across the world and the weakened immunity."
-- T. Rama Prasad
In pre-corona days, making money was a profit. Now, not getting caught in the 'cytokine storm' of corona and the whirlpool of an ICU is a huge profit." -- T. Rama Prasad-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In the 'cytokine storm' of corona, under the umbrella of ICU
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Under the 'cytokine storm' of corona, under the umbrella of ICU |
2. "FASHION is blind, more blind with
these fashionable spectacles !"
3. "In the 'Good Old Days':
One is born with a silver spoon in the mouth
In the 'Mad Modern Days':
One is born with an iPhone in the hand."
4. "In the 'Good Old Days':
Primitive lifestyle, natural food, outdoor play,
wise grandmas, traditional recipe, ... and rarely ill.
wise grandmas, traditional recipe, ... and rarely ill.
In the 'Mad Modern Days':
Modern lifestyle, processed foods, junk diet,
video games, busy moms, fast food, ... and
always ill."
always ill."
4. " Normal exercise can be done by
spending nothing
or alternatively by using expensive
exercise equipment ! "
Read about exercise under the heading "Food, Exercise & Sleep" on this website / blog
5. "We love them. They are perfect, slightly
aberrant though," say the doting parents
of modern, trendy children !
aberrant though," say the doting parents
of modern, trendy children !
6. "Why they did so many tests for a simple
'cold and cough' ?"
-- "Because you went to a super-specialist
instead of a simple family doctor ! "
instead of a simple family doctor ! "
7. "The tribe of 'Family Doctors' is extinct ... hence,
you are shunted from pillar to post -- one
specialist to another ! They won't talk to you ...
they investigate with eyes wide open for rare
and expensive diseases !" After each one taking
his pound of flesh, the nearly empty wallet is
passed on to the psychiatrist ! Dear ones, take it
in a lighter vein ... there is only half truth in this."
his pound of flesh, the nearly empty wallet is
passed on to the psychiatrist ! Dear ones, take it
in a lighter vein ... there is only half truth in this."
9. "The 'Modern Trend' in 'Modern Medicine' is to
'treat' lab reports, scan reports and endo
reports rather than the patient."
'treat' lab reports, scan reports and endo
reports rather than the patient."
9. The most ignorant & stupid one is the one who says: "I know everything, papa; I just do what I like; I don't care for others' opinion; I can assess anyone within 2 minutes."
10. "Tourism is an index of prosperity, of an individual and a nation. We need not look into GDP, GR and such messy statistics."
10. "What is the fire-accident due to ?"
"Electrical short-circuit."
"What fever is it ?"
"Viral fever."
"What is the sudden death due to ?"
"Heart attack."
"Why did not the patient come alive out of the
ICU ?"
"Multi-organ failure."
These oft-repeated ready-made answers
are often a reflection of our ignorance -- another way of saying "We don't know."
11. "In spite of needless medical and surgical
treatment, people survive ! Nature is great.
12. "The most effective and least toxic drug of
today may be banned after sometime.
Vioxx, Zeinorm, Baycol, Redux -- were they
not banned ?"
13. "OLD DRUGS -- known devils;
NEW DRUGS -- Unknown devils."
14. "Contentment and dissatisfaction are one and
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Think positively -- the glass is half full. |
the same. It all depends
upon how we look
at things
at things
-- one is happy that the
glass is half full, and
another is sad because
the glass is half empty."
matters most in life -- whatever it is -- food,
shelter, job, facilities, family, friends, place,
ambience, dress, customs, religion, spirituality,
service, society, sex, or whatever."
16. "Maintaining tidiness should be a smooth
continuous process, not convulsions of
knee-jerk-like reactions."
17. "Nowadays, people don't have time to live,
but only to exist."
but only to exist."
18. "The best way to please a dogmatic person is
to agree that all dogs have three legs."
to agree that all dogs have three legs."
19. "Richness is not having lots of money. It is
the feeling that one has enough of it.
Contentment is the real wealth."
20. "Think positively. The more you think of
your disability, the more disabled would you be."
21. "Pampering is a shortcut to be in good books."
22. "Life is full of presumptions and compromises.
We presume that car brakes won't fail, and that
we shall wake up next morning. When things
go against these presumptions, we compromise."
23. "The best way of responding to a pig-headed
arguer is to say 'I totally agree with you'."
24. "It all depends on the way you look at it. The
glass is half full or half empty. Think positively
-- it is half full."
the feeling that one has enough of it.
Contentment is the real wealth."
20. "Think positively. The more you think of
your disability, the more disabled would you be."
21. "Pampering is a shortcut to be in good books."
22. "Life is full of presumptions and compromises.
We presume that car brakes won't fail, and that
we shall wake up next morning. When things
go against these presumptions, we compromise."
23. "The best way of responding to a pig-headed
arguer is to say 'I totally agree with you'."
24. "It all depends on the way you look at it. The
glass is half full or half empty. Think positively
-- it is half full."
25. "Written words are like mountains which last
forever. Spoken words are like clouds which
vanish soon."
26. "Team work works well;
Unilateral egoistic deeds lead to peril."
27. "If you are stress-free, you are disease-free.
And, smile drives diseases away."
28. "Stress sarts at LKG and ends only
28. "Stress sarts at LKG and ends only
at graveyard !"
29. "Smile subtracts stress from your life;
and it adds beauty to your face, and years
to your life."
30. "Age is a fast engine that runs without fuel.
Slow it down by smiling at it."
31. "Humility and humbleness readily earn one's
respect and reverence."
32. "Successful people leave their ego behind, at least,
until they succeed."
33. "Ego and arrogance readily makes one
detestable and despicable."
34. "Money is the main fuel to launch ego
and arrogance."
35. "Our ego is our frontline enemy. And,
our humbleness is our sound foundation."
36. "Society is good or bad depending on what
we are. It is a mirror, just reflects us."
37. "Your attitude is what finally makes you,
not your achievements.
38. "If your attitude is not praiseworthy,
your praiseworthy achievements pale
into insignificance."
39. "Truculent attitude at once qualifies you to be
stared with total contempt."
40. "Attitude matters a lot. It may make or mar."
41. "Whoever washes his shirt before going to
bed, and irons it on waking up is physically
fit and economically viable."
(I do it quite often, but it is more out of an obsession towards sartorial
perfection -- T. Rama Prasad.).
42. "Be wise. Agree, if it's futile to argue."
43. "Be wise. Learn to tolerate, if you can't correct."
44. "If your worthiness is doubted, be proud
of it, because people doubt the purity of gold
but not of iron."
45. "Love your religion;
Hate not other religions;
At least, tolerate them."
46. "The combine of a little aesthetic sense and a
little time every day is what makes a home
tidy, healthy and beautiful. Results are better
when all the family members have that sense
and a little time rather than entrusting the job
to servants."
47. "You are mature when you can
differentiate flattering from praising."
48. "To get a work done well, you should know how
to do it. A servant's work is as good
as the master's knowledge about it."
49. "Earning a lot of money is not the be-all and
end-all, but these days, money is ranked next
to oxygen."
50. "Side effects of AFFLUENCE:
Help the poor."
51. "Why are you so happy and stress-free, man ?"
The man sitting on the roadside replied:
"Because, I don't have a credit card and bank
loans now. I had them previously which brought
me to this level."
The rest of the 100 quotes are yet to be uploaded
to your life."
30. "Age is a fast engine that runs without fuel.
Slow it down by smiling at it."
31. "Humility and humbleness readily earn one's
respect and reverence."
32. "Successful people leave their ego behind, at least,
until they succeed."
33. "Ego and arrogance readily makes one
detestable and despicable."
34. "Money is the main fuel to launch ego
and arrogance."
35. "Our ego is our frontline enemy. And,
our humbleness is our sound foundation."
36. "Society is good or bad depending on what
we are. It is a mirror, just reflects us."
37. "Your attitude is what finally makes you,
not your achievements.
38. "If your attitude is not praiseworthy,
your praiseworthy achievements pale
into insignificance."
39. "Truculent attitude at once qualifies you to be
stared with total contempt."
40. "Attitude matters a lot. It may make or mar."
bed, and irons it on waking up is physically
fit and economically viable."
(I do it quite often, but it is more out of an obsession towards sartorial
perfection -- T. Rama Prasad.).
42. "Be wise. Agree, if it's futile to argue."
43. "Be wise. Learn to tolerate, if you can't correct."
44. "If your worthiness is doubted, be proud
of it, because people doubt the purity of gold
but not of iron."
45. "Love your religion;
Hate not other religions;
At least, tolerate them."
46. "The combine of a little aesthetic sense and a
little time every day is what makes a home
tidy, healthy and beautiful. Results are better
when all the family members have that sense
and a little time rather than entrusting the job
to servants."
47. "You are mature when you can
differentiate flattering from praising."
48. "To get a work done well, you should know how
to do it. A servant's work is as good
as the master's knowledge about it."
49. "Earning a lot of money is not the be-all and
end-all, but these days, money is ranked next
to oxygen."
50. "Side effects of AFFLUENCE:
Help the poor."
51. "Why are you so happy and stress-free, man ?"
The man sitting on the roadside replied:
"Because, I don't have a credit card and bank
loans now. I had them previously which brought
me to this level."
The rest of the 100 quotes are yet to be uploaded
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Doctor . This s true words of mankind.
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