(To see photos taken on 'GRADUATION DAY' (25.04.2018) click on: http://drtramaprasad.blogspot.in/2018/04/graduation-day-2018-perundurai-medical.html )
Dr. T. Rama Prasad
GRADUATION DAY -- 2018, Perundurai Medical College
About half-a-century ago (1967), I casually came to see ‘Perundurai Sanatorium’ which put up an ad for Medical Officers. Just accidentally I saw the ad while browsing through a newspaper. I was not looking for a job. Being a nature lover (I lived in crowded cities earlier), I was impressed and enticed by the serene and sprawling land of 327 acres with a lot of lush green vegetation and gorgeous peacocks with glittering tail coverts which glow with metallic and iridescent hues (see my published writing on peacocks). It was an ‘easy-paced Malgudi-type’ ambience of the 1950s and 1960s. I had the fancy idea of staying here to experience the different milieu for a short while as a Medical Officer and get back to my service in the Andhra Medical College / Health Centre, or join my father’s hospital in Andhra Pradesh.
I and my wife Rajyalakshmi liked the place and the people. The people here are very courteous, respectful, polite, helpful and loving. Rajyalakshmi got into the teaching faculty of Vellalar College for Women, Erode. We postponed our going back to our native place, year after year, and in course of time I retired as the Medical Superintendent of the institution. A different approach in life ! People called us belonging to a different genre. During my career, I had indirectly facilitated establishment of the Perundurai Medical College in this campus by the Ministry of Transport. Thus, there has been a metamorphosis -- the 'Malgudi' type of sanatorium ambience has evolved into a vibrant and dynamic college atmosphere, albeit the public still call this institution as 'Sanatorium'. This college has several plus points like a healthy ambience with equitable climate, eco-friendly green cover, and tranquil atmosphere. This apart, there is in place a very good administration, personalised teaching and brilliant students. Excellent infrastructure, good teaching faculty, efficient nursing, paramedical and office staff form the foundation for this famous institution.
Coming back to our personal story, later in our life, our son, our only child, Rajeev, a specialist in Medicine, Allergy, Asthma and Chest diseases married Geeth, a specialist in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility, and they also decided to settle at Perundurai and enter into practice of their specialities.
This is how we became ‘PERUNDURAI PRASADS’ -- natives of Perundurai.
The "big heart" of the "PERUNDURAI PUBLIC" honoured me with the title "PERUNDURAI RATHINAM" on July 3, 2016 in recognition of service rendered and the efforts made to enhance the image of Perundurai (details may be found in the 'Scribbling' titled "PERUNDURAI is the GEM" on this blog).
The eighteen ‘Royal Palm’ trees which stand now majestically in front of the Medical College building were planted by me (as also many other trees in the campus) about 20 years ago (1999). They stand as a testimony to my sense of belonging to the institution. I always have thoughts of the “sanatorium cum medical college” campus as my spiritual home, and the staff members there as my family members.
Some of my old patients and visitors nostalgically reminisce about the ambience of the garden around the old fashioned quarters in the Sanatorium campus where we lived and metamorphosed the house ‘unfit for good living’ into a verdant and gorgeous ‘Ooty garden house’ just by creatively developing a garden around it. People liked the creative and innovative horticultural inputs and called it a ‘mini Ooty botanical garden’. Our home gardens had been our paradises.
We were in tune with nature. Peacocks used to come calling for grains. Their resting abode was the huge banyan tree behind our quarters. Strangely, that banyan tree died after we left that residential quarters -- perhaps due to psychological reasons, stress of separation !!! Yes, we doctors often refer patients to psychiatrists when we find no reason for their chronically nagging symptoms !!! And there was no reason why a banyan tree with established prop roots should die (read my 'Scribbling' titled 'Trees and Plants'). And various kinds of other birds used to break the silence with their musical chirps. Of course, snakes were also the visitors, not harming anybody, not even our dogs (read about the dogs under the heading 'Dogs' on this blog) which used to chase them out. Crows were followed by squirrels, cats and rats. ...
September 28, 2017
My "HOMELAND" revisited
Now and then I visit my "homeland" (Sanatorium & medical college campus -- where I lived for about 35 years). Today (28.09.17), I casually went for a drive through the campus (into which I stepped in half-a-century ago for the first time) to enjoy the eco-friendly greenery all around. While passing through the verdant ambience, I slowed down on seeing a gathering of medical students in front of the 'Auditorium' where cultural festival (INCEPTRA'17) events were going on during the past few days. Of course, I was there on the 'Inauguration Day' (September 25, 2017) a few days ago when this first event was conducted in the newly built beautiful and modern auditorium. I told the gathering that September 25, 2017 was doubly significant as it was also the day on which the very first "WORLD LUNG DAY" was celebrated across the world.
Students are the backbone of any college and any college is a reflection of the caliber of its students. On seeing me, some girl students came to my car to wish me. I got down and had a chat with them during which the photos attached hereunder were taken. In olden days, girls used to be shy, reserved, reticent and less pushing in nature than boys (read my 'Scribbling' titled 'Good old days' on this blog). In those days, when I was a medical student, everyone was abundantly self-conscious, and girls and boys lived a highly segregated existence in a co-education campus. Otherwise, it was considered wanton, brazen, shameless, hoggish, mannerless, craven -- you choose the adjective ! That fell by the wayside some decades ago. There seems to be a paradigm shift now.
Students are the backbone of any college and any college is a reflection of the caliber of its students. On seeing me, some girl students came to my car to wish me. I got down and had a chat with them during which the photos attached hereunder were taken. In olden days, girls used to be shy, reserved, reticent and less pushing in nature than boys (read my 'Scribbling' titled 'Good old days' on this blog). In those days, when I was a medical student, everyone was abundantly self-conscious, and girls and boys lived a highly segregated existence in a co-education campus. Otherwise, it was considered wanton, brazen, shameless, hoggish, mannerless, craven -- you choose the adjective ! That fell by the wayside some decades ago. There seems to be a paradigm shift now.
GORGEOUS GIRLS ! Dear girls, the smile on your faces makes you gorgeous and increases your levels of 'serotonin' and 'endorphins', and reduces your levels of 'catecholamines / cortisol and epinephrine. Keep smiling, keep looking smart, and be healthy. Smile is a good preventive medicine. Read the 'Scribblings' titled "GIRL CHILD -- GOLDEN CHILD" and "SMILE and LAUGHTER" on my blog.
SMILE ... smile certainly adds VALUE and BEAUTY to your face.
The life is so BIG !!! The real pleasures are getting buried somewhere deep in the rubble, and there is little osmosis of them into the depths of life. We, increasingly, are tending to live on the surface of life rather than enjoying the rich depths and true emotions of it. Dear sir / madam, don't get sucked into the whirlpool of modern society.
EXAMINATION HALL -- a scary space. Learning shouldn't stop here. “Anyone who stops learning is old whether at twenty or eighty.
Anyone who keeps learning stays young (even at hundred).”
--- Henry Ford
My dear medical teachers,
Students start their life with neither prejudice nor expectation. That makes them good learners. The unalloyed affections of a student must advantageously be made use of in moulding the student's thinking, mindset and habits. It is difficult to mould them later. Trials failed to remould my post-graduate better half's thinking about consuming curd rice with salt. She said 'What is life without curd rice, and what is curd rice without salt ?' And, she went on to cite the book titled “ The Great Indian Diet” which was launched on November 19, 2015 and which emphasises the goodness of the original Indian food, even of ghee and curd. It is authored by Shilpa Shetty Kundra, a famous actress and businesswoman from India and Luke Countinho, a nutritionist at the world famous Mayo Clinic in the U.S. At the launching ceremony of the book, the 73-year-‘young’ iconic mega actor Amitabh Bachchan who is praised for his fitness at this age to handle various projects said: 'I stay fit by attending book launches about diets; I eat whatever comes my way; I am a bad eater; ...' !!! The belief that dairy products damage health is shattered by a recent publication (European Journal of Epidemiology 2017 -- University of Reading). It is concluded that cheese, yoghurt / curd and other dairy products are not associated with increased risk of heart diseases, stroke or death. Moreover, the study indicated about the potentially beneficial effect of fermented dairy products like 'curd' / yoghurt on heart health. Yes, you are confused about what to teach the students about curd and cholesterol !!! Read more about it in the 'Scribbling' titled 'FOOD, EXERCISE and SLEEP'.
Students start their life with neither prejudice nor expectation. That makes them good learners. The unalloyed affections of a student must advantageously be made use of in moulding the student's thinking, mindset and habits. It is difficult to mould them later. Trials failed to remould my post-graduate better half's thinking about consuming curd rice with salt. She said 'What is life without curd rice, and what is curd rice without salt ?' And, she went on to cite the book titled “ The Great Indian Diet” which was launched on November 19, 2015 and which emphasises the goodness of the original Indian food, even of ghee and curd. It is authored by Shilpa Shetty Kundra, a famous actress and businesswoman from India and Luke Countinho, a nutritionist at the world famous Mayo Clinic in the U.S. At the launching ceremony of the book, the 73-year-‘young’ iconic mega actor Amitabh Bachchan who is praised for his fitness at this age to handle various projects said: 'I stay fit by attending book launches about diets; I eat whatever comes my way; I am a bad eater; ...' !!! The belief that dairy products damage health is shattered by a recent publication (European Journal of Epidemiology 2017 -- University of Reading). It is concluded that cheese, yoghurt / curd and other dairy products are not associated with increased risk of heart diseases, stroke or death. Moreover, the study indicated about the potentially beneficial effect of fermented dairy products like 'curd' / yoghurt on heart health. Yes, you are confused about what to teach the students about curd and cholesterol !!! Read more about it in the 'Scribbling' titled 'FOOD, EXERCISE and SLEEP'.
Dear grandchildren, the Net has become the fount of all knowledge, and a quick swig from the fount provides satiety to the brain on almost any subject. But don't waste time on things which won't enrich your brain.
Dear cheerful children, If you have a smiling enthusiasm to work and the pleasant energy to help others, you can be sure that you are in good health. Extensive health check-ups are not necessary, except a few basic ones.
Dear students, take your eyes off the electronic screens for 20 seconds every 20 minutes and see at objects beyond 20 metres (20/20/20 formula), to prevent 'Computer Vision Syndrome'. Electronic gadgets and junk food have become the fad and flavour. Beware of 'Text Neck Syndrome', 'Smartphone Thumb', 'Internet Withdrawal Syndrome', 'Digital screen Addiction', 'Electronic Diabetes' and other electronic screens-related morbidities. For more on this, read the 'Scribbling' titled "INTERNET (Google) EFFECT" on this blog.
Red is the 'Royal Colour' ! Regal & Radiant
"There are 2 classes of people in the digital world today: 1. Backward class (computer illiterate) 2. Forward class (computer literate) !!!" More quotes may be found in the 'Scribbling' titled "MY QUOTES" on this blog.
We made tremendous strides and advancements on the medical front, but ..... I tell you one thing, Veda -- what all the medical world knows about diseases and medicine is just the tip of the iceberg. Otherwise, why 1,000 persons are dying each day due to TB in India today ? And, why scores of people died across the country during the past few months allegedly due to DENGUE / mysterious fevers ? And, why no cure for the perennial problems of allergy, asthma, arthritis, etc., let alone lung cancer ?
And, in spite of needless medical & surgical treatment people survive !!! Nature is great indeed !
And, in spite of needless medical & surgical treatment people survive !!! Nature is great indeed !
Inside the 'IRT Perundurai Medical College' building -- 'Aayudha Puja' 2017.
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The stage of the new 'Medical College Auditorium' where the first event ("INCEPTRA '17") was conducted on September 25, 2017. |
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The first event at the new auditorium was inaugurated by the handsome, cheerful, dedicated and dynamic DEAN of the IRT-Perundurai Medical College & Hospital, Professor Dr. M. RAJENDRAN, MS, FICS, FIAGES (first from the left in the photo) whose tireless and influential efforts resulted in the increase of the intake of students from 60 to 100 and paved the way for the prospect of introduction of Post-graduate courses in the college. In my address, I cited him as an example of one who says "I CAN" and not "CAN I ?", while exhorting the students and the staff members to think POSITIVELY and act CONFIDENTLY to achieve SUCCESS. A Professor of Surgery, the 'Best Teacher' awardee of the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, an 'Inspector & Co-ordinator' of the Medical Council of India, a high caliber 'Senate Member' of the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University for three tenures, and a recipient of many other titles like the 'Best Doctor', Dr. M. Rajendran has been an asset for the development of this institution to this stature. He had grown with the institution right from the day of laying of the foundation stone of the medical college buildings, brushing away better financial prospects elsewhere during his long career. It is hard to find such a dedicated and loyal leader with such a grit and determination. He had been very successful in getting grants and funds for the institution from various sources and in pushing through proposals for full fledged funding and running by the Government. My best wishes to this successful surgeon and medical administrator who is full of wit and wisdom. The Cheerful Chief Dr. M. Rajendran, Dean, PMC & RC – An excerpt from my address on December 30, 2019 on the occasion of his superannuation It is easy to run a developed medical college, but it is extremely difficult to develop a medical college. Kudos to Dr. MR, as he is popularly known as. He did it. He made phenomenal developments. He is the invaluable gem of the Perundurai Medical College. If he is not retiring now, he would have taken the institution to dizzy heights in the next few years. I retired from this campus 20 years ago and now Dr. MR is retiring. People mention that I and Dr.MR have certain things and traits in common, pertaining to our careers in this campus. We both spent our full careers in this campus, devoting our entire time to the development of the institutions in the campus, setting aside lucrative private careers. We both developed green cover in the campus enthusiastically. We both had grown with the institution. These are only a few to mention. The following is an excerpt from my writings on my blog -- click on: http://drtramaprasad.blogspot.com/2017/09/perundurai-medical-college-sanatorium.html “ … The first event at the new auditorium was inaugurated by the handsome, cheerful, dedicated and dynamic DEAN of the IRT-Perundurai Medical College & Hospital, Professor Dr. M. RAJENDRAN, MS, FICS, FIAGES (first from the left in the photo) whose tireless and influential efforts resulted in the increase of the intake of students from 60 to 100 and paved the way for the prospect of introduction of Post-graduate courses in the college. In my address, I cited him as an example of one who says "I CAN" and not "CAN I ?", while exhorting the students and the staff members to think POSITIVELY and act CONFIDENTLY to achieve SUCCESS. A Professor of Surgery, the 'Best Teacher' awardee of the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, an 'Inspector & Co-ordinator' of the Medical Council of India, a high caliber 'Senate Member' of the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University for three tenures, and a recipient of many other titles like the 'Best Doctor', Dr. M. Rajendran has been an asset for the development of this institution to this stature. He had grown with the institution right from the day of laying of the foundation stone of the medical college buildings, brushing away better financial prospects elsewhere during his long career. It is hard to find such a dedicated and loyal leader with such a grit and determination. He had been very successful in getting grants and funds for the institution from various sources and in pushing through proposals for full-fledged funding and running by the Government. My best wishes to this successful surgeon and medical administrator who is full of wit and wisdom. “ And now my best wishes to him for a happy retired life. Retired life for medical professionals in our country may be a very busy one. My case is an example – busy with professional work from morning to midnight, even 20 years after retirement !!! Last but not the least, I wish to thank his meritorious wife, Dr. Shanthi for the development of the college, because it is rightly said that “THERE IS ALWAYS A WOMAN BEHIND EVERY SUCCESSFUL MAN." Dr. T. Rama Prasad ‘PAY WHAT YOU CAN’ Clinic, Perundurai, Erode Dt., TN, India Former Medical Superintendent (Special), RTS & IRT Perundurai Medical College and Research Centre, Perundurai *Website: www.rama-scribbles.com *Blog: https://drtramaprasad.blogspot.com *Twitter: @DrRamaprasadt *Facebook: T Rama Prasad *E-mail: drtramaprasad@gmail.com *WhatsApp: +91 98427 20393 |
Thank you all for the excellent hospitality at the inaugural function.
In my consultation chamber, when these 5 final year MBBS students (Karuppasamy, Palaniragavan, Ragupathi, Priyanka & Nivetha) of Perundurai Medical College came to invite me for the "INCEPTRA '17" cultural festival to be inaugurated on 25.09.2017.
I made the following representation regarding the location for AIIMS on March 1, 2015:
An All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at a cost of Rs.1,500 to 2,000 crore would be established in Tamil Nadu, according to the current budget announcement (Feb 28, 2015). The State had already identified five suitxercises able places among which PERUNDURAI is one with more than 325 acres in the present IRT Perundurai Medical College & Ramalingam Tuberculosis Sanatorium campus. I worked and lived in this campus, popularly known as 'Perundurai Sanatorium', for more than 30 years.
Taking all the requirements into consideration, this place seems to be the most suitable one. This place is located about 1,200 feet above the mean sea level on an elevated plateau with salubrious and dry climate. It has a sprawling woody landscape with a number of peacocks around with glittering tail coverts glowing with metallic and iridescent hues. And aside from the visible merits of this place the good nature of the people in this region would be an added bonus.
The ‘Perundurai Sanatorium’ & amp; the Perundurai Medical College campus.
TREES and PLANTS -- the green gods
Dr. T. Rama Prasad
"Growing trees is the best preventive medicine."
-- T. Rama Prasad
'Nature' is god. Even if you have no belief in god, you have to believe that your life is sustained by trees and plants -- because it is a fact. And, what is life without trees and plants ? By tinkering with'Nature' we have not only caused an ecological imbalance in nature, but also jeopardised our health. Many of the diseases we are suffering from are due to inadequate green coverage. Due to a perceived need we have converted green lands into concrete jungles which emanate noxious elements into the environment which kill us slowly.
Fifty years ago (1967), the vegetation in the 'Sanatorium Campus' of 326 acres enticed me to take up the job of a Medical Officer. And, I lived with those trees and plants for over 35 years. At that time, I saw a close coexistence of two trees of different species (neem & pipal) at the base of which was there a small idol of Vinayagar. I had seen them growing stonger and bigger over half-a-century. On the Vinayaga Charurthi day this year (2017), I visited them again. The photo below is that of these two 'friend-trees' taken on this festival day (25.08.2017).
Traditionally, these two kinds of trees - neem and pipal- are grown in the precincts of temples. There may be some logical purpose in choosing them. The 'Sanatorium staff members' took the initiative and constructed a temple later in the adjacent area for Vinayagar.
Over a period of 35 years, I had grown various trees and plants in that campus (Sanatorium / Medical College campus). My residential area inside the campus used o be called 'a mini-botanical garden'. I planted 20 saplings of 'Royal Palm' trees in front of the medical college building when the college was opened. Now, about 20 years later, you can see 18 of them (in the photo below) as splendidly grown-up trees graciously reaching the fourth floor of the building.
Read the 'Scribbling' "PAY WHAT YOU CAN Clinic' to know what it is.
Yes, I do things in a different way. I had been caring for the plants in this photograph for a long time. I christened the tall cactus, Ferrocactus ferrerae, as “Sivalinga spiralis / God cactus” as it looks like ‘Sivalingam’ and has spirally oriented ribs, and gave it a divine look by adding ‘pooja’ items like bell, ‘deepam’, incense sticks, etc. You may read more about it under the heading “My lost (last) paradise” on this blog.
"Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently.”
--- Shiv Khera
To read other 'Scribblings', go to the headings column on the right side (top)
Continued …
The full text of this 'Scribbling' will be posted on this blog later. -- T. Rama Prasad |
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