Rama Prasad, Rajyalakshmi and Nirmala, whose inputs are curated below.
TREES and PLANTS -- the green gods
This tiny roadside greenery is my New Year gift to the public.
Due to a perceived need we have converted green landscapes into concrete jungles which emanate noxious elements into the environment which kill us slowly. We are now (2020) being killed fast too by COVID-19 which is indirectly due to destruction of nature. We are advised to keep a distance from the virus and from one another. It may mean that we are the viruses -- so we keep the following "TRAVEL DISTANCING !"
Yes, we are the real viruses killing the environment and facilitating all the disasters mentioned above
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We used a few plants and a terracotta stand to create this caricature. |
This leaf, of a length of about 3 feet, of Anthurium crystallinum is believed to have attained this extraordinary size through "Energy Transfer" ( go to

Fifty years ago (1967), the vegetation in the 'Sanatorium Campus' of 326 acres enticed me to take up the job of a Medical Officer. And, I lived with those trees and plants for over 35 years.
Traditionally, these two kinds of trees - neem and peepal- are grown in the precincts of temples. There may be some logical purpose in choosing them apart from the mythological considerations.
FICUS trees
In the Hindu mythology, some trees belonging to the Ficus genus (Ficus religiosa - Peepal, Ficus benghalensis - Banyan, Ficus benghalensis var. krishnae - Krishna Fig, Krishna Butter Cup) of Moraceae family are considered sacred and worshipped. Various beliefs exist -- ancestors' souls stay on these trees; Vishnu stayed safe in these trees when demons defeated gods; Vishnu was born under a peepal tree; Peepal tree houses Trimurti, roots-Brahma, trunk-Vishnu, leaves-Shiva; Goddess Saraswathi originated from a peepal tree; Goddess Sita was sheltered by Peepal tree; Goddess Lakshmi stays on Peepal tree on Saturdays; and so on (Brahma Purana, Padma Purana, Skanda Purana, Rigveda Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, etc.).
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Women performing Vata-puja rituals around a Banyan tree |
The Ficus religiosa tree (Peepal) is closely linked to Lord Krishna who was believed to have ended his avataar under this tree, after which the present Kaliyuga is said to have begun. It is also believed that he will reside in a Peepal leaf after Pralayam till the next world is created.
To my pleasant surprise, on April 19, 2019, I saw one very rarely seen variety of Ficus tree in the campus of 'THE UNIQUE ACADEMY' ICSE & ISC school in Ingur, Perundurai. This variety is called "Ficus benghalensis var. Krishnae." It is also known as 'Krishna Fig' and 'Krishna Butter cup'. The leaves of this variety of Ficus are very peculiarly shaped as though the edges of the leaf are folded back and fused to form cone-shaped or cup-shaped cavities -- see the photos below of the leaf and the tree I visited at that school.
Synonyms: Ficus krishnae
Perhaps, that's why it was named as 'Krishna Butter Cup'.
FICUS BONSAI -- Feb 3, 2021
MEXICAN CALABASH ('Thiruvodu maram')
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We planted the saplings of these trees in front of the Perundurai Medical College building around 20 years ago when the building was ready for occupation. This photo was taken in 2017 when I went there to attend an academic programme.
TREES ARE PRICELESS. But our materialistic mind fixes a price on everything. Apart from biological benefits, they give enormous visual and aesthetic benefits to the mind. And we fix a price for the beauty of the trees and plants also. For example, what might be the cost of the tree in the photo below ? Rupees 5.6 lakh, as priced by the nursery !!! ![]() The price of this 'BONSAI TREE" was Rs. 5,60,000 ! Top 10 Benefits of TreesCan you put a price tag on a tree? Those who sell timber for paper and other products certainly do, but what about the worth of a living tree? When you add it all up, a tree’s price is incalculable. That didn’t stop Portland Parks & Recreation in Oregon from hanging actual price tags on trees in the community to give people a sense of the benefits they provide. What are those benefits? We picked ten of the most important: 1. Clean Air. Researchers at the Davey Institute found that urban trees and forests are saving an average of one life every year per city because of the particulates that they remove from the air. A study in the Journal of Preventative Medicine found that people experienced more deaths from heart disease and respiratory disease when they lived in areas where trees had disappeared. Trees are often referred to as the “lungs of the planet” because of the oxygen they provide to other living things. 2. Jobs. According to the U.S. Forest Service, recreation visitor spending in National Forests amounted to nearly $11 billion in 2012. All that economic activity sustains about 190,000 full- and part-time jobs. And that’s just in our National Forests! 3. Clean Water. Forests provide natural filtration and storage systems that process nearly two-thirds of the water supply in the United States. When you drink a glass of tap water in a New York City restaurant, you’re drinking water that was filtered largely by the forests of upstate New York. The forests do such a good job that the city only needs to do a minimum of additional filtering. 4. Carbon Sequestration. Burning fossil fuels puts heat-trapping carbon dioxide into our atmosphere, changing our climate in dangerous ways. Planting trees can slow down this process. A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. 5. Reduced Crime. Neighborhoods with abundant trees have significantly fewer crimes than those without. Researchers think that this is because green spaces have a calming effect and encourage people to spend more with their neighbors outdoors, bolstering community trust. 6. Increased Property Values. People are drawn to homes and businesses near trees. The proof is in the prices: property values are 7 percent to 25 percent higher for houses surrounded by trees and consumers spend up to 13 percent more at shops near green landscapes. 7. Mental Health. Feeling down? Take a walk in the woods. Several studies have found that access to nature yields better cognitive functioning, more self-discipline, and greater mental health overall. One study even found that hospital patients who can see trees out their windows are hospitalized 8 percent fewer days than their counterparts. 8. Temperature Control. The shade and wind-breaking qualities that trees provide benefit everyone from the individual taking shelter from a hot summer day to entire cities. The annual mean air temperature of a city with 1 million people or more can be 1.8–5.4°F (1–3°C) warmer than its surroundings. Planting trees reduces this “heat island effect”. And households with shade trees could spend 12% less on cooling costs in the summer. 9. Flood Control. Trees can hold vast amounts of water that would otherwise stream down hills and surge along rivers into towns. That’s why trees are such an important part of stormwater management for many cities. 10. Wildlife Habitat. Wildlife use trees for food, shelter, nesting, and mating. These habitats support the incredible variety of living things on the planet, known as biodiversity. By protecting trees, we also save all the other plants and animals they shelter. Learn more about the benefits of trees from our member organizations: The Value of Trees to a Community, Arbor Day Foundation Why it Matters, American Forests Trees for Wildlife, National Wildlife Federation
It may be interesting to note that our ancestors adopted a concept of “vedic vanas” (sacred groves) -- “Nakshatra Vana” with 27 plants representing 27 stars), “Raashi Vana” (12 plants representing 12 zodiac constellations, “Shiva Panchayatanavana (5 plants representing 5 elements), “Navagraha Vana” (9 plants representing 9 planets), “Ashta Dikpala Vana” (8 plants representing 8 directions), etc. Life was an inextricable part of flora in those days.
"These days, the green meadow, the pristine blue sky, vast landscape, hurrying streams, gleaming orchards, the forest – the love of the fantastic, the magical, the serenity and the surreal -- and the gorgeous flowers are the elements of the sure route of escape from the world of chaos, stress, the mundane, the exasperating and the plain. And yes, a sprinkle of faery dust in a frenetic consumerist day of intense stress, long working hours and fierce competition is a certain way of relief from the frustrations of life’s stumbling blocks. In our quest to scale up our economic progress we had sacrificed them all."
Aerial view of the twin glasshouses covering an area of 3 + 2 acres |
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Acres of gardens under the gigantic glass roof with no pillars inside ! |
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With BAOBAB tree in the background inside the glasshouse |
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Huge and exotic trees under the glass roof at the 'Flower Dome' in Singapore BONSAI plants ... Feb 2019 (reprinted from the FACEOOK) We read about theft of various items, but not about bonsai plants. The seven stolen plants in Japan are worth more than seven million yen. Read the following: "A Japanese cultivator of bonsai trees appealed on February 12, 2019 for the thieves who made off with his expensive potted plants to take good care of them. Seiji Iimura, a fifth-generation bonsai cultivator who runs a garden in Kawaguchi, north of Tokyo, told AFP that the seven tiny trees stolen from his garden were his "FAMILY TREASURE." "It's something I would never sell even if I get 10 million yen (USD 90,000)," he said. "Of course I hate the thief who stole them, but I want to tell him or her: please water them and please take care of them," Iimura said. "I would be sad if they die." Iimura reported to police last month that seven bonsai trees, worth more than seven million yen in total -- including a 400-year-old gnarled juniper -- had been stolen from his garden. His wife Fuyumi wrote in a recent Facebook entry that the couple had raised the bonsai trees "LIKE OUR CHILDREN." "I am filled with sadness and heartache," she wrote. Iimura keeps some 3,000 miniature trees on display at the 5,000 square-metre (6,000 square-yard) garden so that visitors can appreciate bonsai art. Since the theft he has installed security cameras. "You know, bonsai is nature in miniature. Looking at a bonsai tree is like walking into a deep mountain while staying at home," Iimura said. Bonsai is an Asian art of sculpting miniature trees over a long time by periodically pruning roots and branches, not allowing them to grow big while they develop features of ageing. Bonsai trees often appear as if shaped by wind or the weight of snow. Sculpting them requires a delicate technique of chiselling branches to twist and pull them into shape, all the while battling to keep the tree alive. Exported Japanese bonsai trees have become a hit overseas. In 2018, Japan exported about 12 billion yen worth of trees, bonsai and potted flowers, up from 4.5 billion yen about a decade ago, according to data published by the agriculture ministry." The ‘plant’ in the photo is my 20-year-old bonsai plant — Ficus benjamina, a kind of Banyan tree ... see the pens in the photo to have an idea of its size. Dr. T. Rama Prasad, 'PAY WHAT YOU CAN' Clinic, Perundurai, www.rama-scribbles.com Oh !!! what a shape and size !!! Really !!! What a design in nature ! See the people standing nearby to guess the size. An exotic tree ? NO, this is an image of Pulmonary Angiogram of a patient -- 'X-ray picture-like' image of blood vessels in the lungs. And see the photo below. I used some vegetables like sweet potatoes and radish to construct an image like this 'Pulmonary Angiogram' !!! Reprinted from FACEBOOK: GARDENING … August 2018 For those who like NATURE, gardening gives the greatest pleasure, and effectively nullifies stress. It would be more beneficial if you do it by yourself. The tiny apron of garden you see, in front of our home, in this video is just redesigned and landscaped by me with a simple theme, using mostly the vegetation already available here – a small example of innovation and creativity without spending much money. You too can do it, perhaps much better. Best wishes. Click on http://drtramaprasad.blogspot.com/…/09/trees-and-plants.html Dr. T. Rama Prasad, ‘PAY WHAT YOU CAN’ Clinic, Perundurai. “Gardening is not trivial. If you believe that it is, closely examine why you feel that way. You may discover that this attitude has been forced upon you by mass media and the crass culture it creates and maintains. The fact is, gardening is just the opposite - it is, or should be, a central, basic expression of human life.” --.Andrew Weil “Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.”--. H. Jackson Brown, Jr. |
Reprinted from the FACEBOOK
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Our plants -- each competing for attention in those colourful days. |
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Our giant cactus bloomed after decades of existence |
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Our 'mini & maxi' cactus plants in the good old days. They all found their way to the heaven as there is no living space for them here now. |
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In a Singapore park in 2014, with Nirmala and Rayalakshmi. |
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In the serenity and tranquility of the 'Gardens by the bay' in Singapore |
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At a temple garden in Bali (Indonesia) |
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Caladium plants in our garden project colourful greetings |
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Our mini cactus garden area where an operation theatre stands now. |
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Breakfast was tastier because of the garden ambience |
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A mini garden inside our clinic in those days. Now, the area had evolved into a formal work-room. |
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With my favourite 'Anthurium crystallinum' plant |
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Our 'God Cactus' in bloom, long before it was shown the door. |
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Very delicate flowers contrasting with the hard and sharp thorns. Beauties of the past. After many years of existence with us, this small cactus gave us a big flower |
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The exotic trio |
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My stress-relieving static-companions which are no more here now. |
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Golden balls indeed ! |
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By adding white pebbles, we enhanced the splendour of these amazingly beautiful cacti. |
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Godly nature, once upon a time, before 'development' took place ! |
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In-door plants, inside our clinic, in those good old days. Now, it's remodelled into a formal reception area. |
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The rockery in our patients' waiting hall with gorgeous flowering plants in the good old days. Even a train can pass through the base of this tree!!! Yet another extremely odd tree |
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Plants 'receive' patients in the reception area of our clinic in the good old days ! |
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Green ideas ! Plants in our bedroom One 'green idea' is to have these plants in our bedroom. Today (Dec 19, 2017), we are having SANSEVIERIA plants (as in the photos above & below). It is also known by several common names like 'Snake plant', 'Mother-in-Law's tongue' (it may be renamed as 'Daughter-in-Law's tongue, as suggested by Prof. Maadhavi ... read under the title "Mother-in-Law, the bygone Hitler !" on this blog), 'Saint George's sword', 'Bowstring hemp', etc. The genus was named after the Prince of San Savero. There is another variety called 'Bird nest type' which is short and cluster-like. According to a NASA Clean Air Study, along with other plants such as 'Golden pothos' (Epipremnum aureum) and 'Corn plant' (Dracaena fragrans), 'Sansevieria trifasciata' is capable of purifying air by removing some toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. Sansevierias use the crassulacean acid metabolism process, which absorbs carbon dioxide at night, and releases oxygen during daytime. Nighttime absorption of CO₂ purportedly makes them especially suitable bedroom plants. Of course, we are keeping the plants for aesthetic purpose mainly, as we are not in the oxygen deprived polluted ambience of a crowded urban area. 'Golden pothos' (Epipremnum aureum) plants in our bedroom Plants in our BATHROOM -- madness ? Plants in my 'Pay What You Can' Clinic, in the good old days. Exquisitely shaped tree tunnel |
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Deserves to be worshipped. Patients used to worship this 'GOD CACTUS' in those good old days. |
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Cherished ambience, in the good old days. It had since been replaced by a concrete structure. Dancing trees |
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The message is very clear and loud Admirably awesome The tree seems to have its own design engineer !!! |

drtramaprasad@gmail.com, 'PAY WHAT YOU CAN' Clinic, PERUNDURAI, Erode Dt., TN, India., Former Medical Superintendent (Special), RTS & IRT Perundurai Medical College and Research Centre.
123-year-old PREGNANT LADY
Amazingly beautiful Cactus Flowers.pdf | |||
Dr. T. Rama Prasad, http://drtramaprasad.blogspot.in |
The following is what I posted on the FACEBOOK on June 28, 2018
27.01.2020 ... Today, our driver Chinnasamy brought this odd-shaped papaya fruit from the local market. I just added one pepper seed and a small bit of carrot and took a photo and video ... and displayed it in our reception room. The video is below:
Today (14.02.2020), one of our Nursing Students, Ms SWATHI, brought a rare vegetable specimen of two entwined tubers of white radish from the local market. I just added a couple of pepper seeds to represent eyes and a couple of tiny bits of a vegetable to make them look like a beak or tongue or whatever, and took a photo in a particular angle which may make the vegetables look like a couple of lovers !!! And, curiously, today is the Valentine's Day !!!
Tonight (19.03.2020), while getting up from the dining chair, I saw a curious figure, looking like somebody crawling, in the dining plate of my better half. She had thrown a crumpled empty strip of tablets in her plate after having had dinner and a tablet. I just took a photo and saved it. Odd, isn't it ?
I positioned two chocolates and a dry red chilly. And added a couple of 'limbs'. And took a photo and saved it ... that's it !
Today (29.05.2020), I saw a few pieces of popcorn on our dining table ... one has the shape of rabbit ears. I cut a few pieces into bits and arranged them to look like a figure. Any fake news of popcorn as a preventive for corona ???
WATERY ROSE APPLE fruits are arranged in CO shape on our dining table today (11.05.2020 - courtesy - TUA). Why CO shape ? Perhaps, the COVID influence !! For a change, let's talk about this rose apple- Syzygium aqueum . The fruits are crunchy and watery, having antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-cholesterol and anticancer effects. The coloured variety has a very attractive glossy look. There would have been a great market if there is some sweet fructose in them. -- Dr. T. Rama Prasad, 'PAY WHAT YOU CAN' Clinic, Perundurai.
These twins with two bodies attached at the head level, are due to write their SSC exams in March 2020 at the same examination centre but on different hall tickets ! They hail from Nalgonda district in Telangana State in India.
In our backyard, there is a guava tree. It bore one 'TWIN GUAVA' fruit.
Quite often we see twin bananas
Here is the TWIN LEMON -- courtesy of Prof. Karthick
Very rarely, a conjoined apple (SIAMESE APPLE) may be found. The fruit shares a single stalk, but has two cores and two sets of pips, creating a quirky mirror-image fruit.
Conjoined watermelons are as rare as Siamese twins. Such changes may rarely be seen in other fruits and flowers.
A man named Ken Morrish had an apple on his tree with a dramatic colour as can be seen in the photo below ... a perfect line of demarcation between the green and red portion of the apple. The red half of the fruit tasted better !
The changes may be due to a random weird genetic mutation. One in one million fruits may have this chance.
Conjoined flowers.
Conjoined mice.
William Shakespeare wrote: "There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, my dear Horatio."
While buying some vegetables in the market today (18.07.2019), our driver Karthik found this odd-shaped, ten-headed cabbage and brought it. Had you ever seen such a one ?
Today (December 2, 2019), our staff member, Veerakumar brought this oddly-shaped (mango shape) watermelon.
BILWA TREE … August 2, 2019
This evening, one of my patients was carrying a fruit of Bilwa tree … enthused by its shape, I took a photo of it. The leaves and fruits of this tree (Bilwa / Bael / Wood apple /Aegle marmelos / etc) are used in worshipping Lord Shiva. The tree is believed to have great spiritual and medicinal values. It takes nearly one year for the fruits of this tree to come to the stage of ripening. In the Newar community in Nepal, girls are “married” through rituals to Bilwa fruits to ensure fertility and to make sure that the society treats them not as widows when their husbands die ! The leaves resemble the ‘trishula’ wielded by Shiva. Noting my interest, the patient offered that fruit to Rama (me !) instead of to Shiva ! My interest in this fruit is because it looked remotely like a deer or some animal with two horns or long ears (see the photo) … somehow odd things like this come to my notice quite often. If you wish to read my small note on Shiva, click on: http://drtramaprasad.blogspot.com/2017/03/shiva.html
I just added one dot to represent eye, and two matchsticks to a BILWA fruit. It made a lot of difference.
The following is a list of some of my 'scribblings', including a few from the 28 articles on COVID published in a monthly medical journal in 30 months (a world record). To open them, click on any of the titles. -- T. Rama Prasad
Blog Archive
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§ WORLD CANCER DAY ..February 4, 2017
§ GRADUATION DAY -- 2018, Perundurai Medical Col...
§ POLLUTION, Disease and Deepaavali
§ To live in INDIA or ABROAD ?
§ SUNDAY LUNCH ... Dec 3, 2017
§ LOCKDOWN MEDICINE -- too toxic ?
§ SWINE FLU -- A (H1 N1) influenza
§ MODERN MEDICINE -- the Good, the Bad and th...
§ RAJYALAKSHMI & International Women's Day 2024
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§ TUBERCULOSIS -- drug-resistant
§ WOW !!!
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§ GRADUATION DAY -- 2018, Perundurai Medical Col...
§ POLLUTION, Disease and Deepaavali
§ To live in INDIA or ABROAD ?
§ SUNDAY LUNCH ... Dec 3, 2017
§ LOCKDOWN MEDICINE -- too toxic ?
§ SWINE FLU -- A (H1 N1) influenza
§ MODERN MEDICINE -- the Good, the Bad and th...
§ RAJYALAKSHMI & International Women's Day 2024
§ SHIVA, KRISHNA, Ramanuja & Ramanujan
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§ TUBERCULOSIS -- drug-resistant
§ WOW !!!
§ COVID vaccines -- Safe or Unsafe ?
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On the World Lung Day this is something to be shared- 25.09.17 the
ReplyDeleteFantastic explaination of TREES & PLANTS AS THEY ARE REAL GODS IN ALL OUR LIFES.BECAUSE WITHOUT THEM WE CAN'T LIVE. KUPPUSAAMI.K (well-wishers) Thank you very much sir.
ReplyDeleteWonderful message we got sir..
ReplyDeleteEveryone please note this point save water for our future generations ...
ReplyDeletePlant more trees...
Trees and Plants are our family. They depend on us and we depend on them. if we take good care of them today, they will take good care of us tomorrow.
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Very nice to look at all plant collections... salute to hard work of you and madam.I don't know whether madam is remembering me.....I was a student of vellalar college and she used to drop mein Perundurai some times in car from college. When we visited your quarters clinic we wondered on seeing her plants with different huge leaves. Thank you.
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In the bustling city of Ahmedabad, a distinguished Breast Cancer Treatment Doctor is redefining excellence in oncological care. Their profound dedication to fighting breast cancer merges cutting-edge treatment options with personalized patient care strategies, ensuring a holistic and compassionate approach. This doctor's practice is at the forefront of innovation, leveraging the latest in medical research and technology to offer patients the best possible outcomes. With a focus on understanding the individuality of each case, they tailor treatments that are most effective and sustainable for their patients' unique needs. The doctor's commitment to education and communication empowers patients, enabling them to make informed decisions about their healthcare. Beyond treatment, this doctor is deeply invested in preventive care, advocating for early detection through regular screenings and public awareness campaigns. Their remarkable work in the field of oncology not only elevates the standard of healthcare in Ahmedabad but also offers hope and support to those enduring the challenges of breast cancer.
The Breast Cancer Treatment Doctor in Mumbai is renowned for their holistic approach to fighting this complex disease. Integrating the latest in medical advancements with traditional care methods, they ensure a treatment protocol that's both effective and considerate of the patient's overall well-being. Their practice is distinguished by an extraordinary meld of cutting-edge technology and a deep, empathetic connection with each patient, offering a beacon of hope amid the trials of breast cancer. Beyond their clinical acumen, they are a pioneer in patient education, empowering individuals with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their care. With a passion for innovation and a heart for healing, this doctor not only treats the disease but also nurtures the human spirit, making them a distinguished figure in Mumbai's medical community. Their dedication to excellence and compassionate care makes them not just a doctor, but a trusted ally in the battle against breast cancer.
In the heart of Gurgaon, a Breast Cancer Treatment Doctor stands as a luminary in the domain of oncological care, marking a profound impact on the lives of those affected by breast cancer. With a foundation built on extensive knowledge and a dedication to innovation, this doctor goes beyond conventional treatment methods, incorporating a holistic approach that encompasses both the physical and emotional well-being of their patients. Their clinic serves as a sanctuary of hope, where advanced treatment technologies meet compassionate care, tailored to fit the individual needs and circumstances of each patient. Esteemed not only for their clinical expertise but also for their unwavering commitment to patient support, this doctor advocates for comprehensive healthcare, emphasizing the importance of early detection and preventive strategies. The dedication of the Breast Cancer Treatment Doctor in Gurgaon to excellence in care, patient education, and ongoing research initiatives underlines their pivotal role in enhancing patient outcomes and quality of life, making them a revered figure in the battle against breast cancer.
A breast cancer surgeon in Pune specializes in surgically treating breast cancer with exceptional proficiency. These experts perform various procedures, including lumpectomies, mastectomies, and reconstructive surgeries, aiming to remove cancerous tissues and restore the breast's aesthetics and function. They work within a multidisciplinary team to develop personalized treatment plans, ensuring comprehensive care for each patient. Utilizing the latest surgical techniques and technology, they focus on precision and minimally invasive methods. Compassionate care is integral to their approach, providing emotional support and thorough patient education. Their dedication and expertise are crucial in achieving excellent outcomes in breast cancer treatment.
For men in Australia facing hair loss, the top treatments blend cutting-edge science with practical application. Minoxidil, available in 5% topical formulations, promotes hair growth by extending the hair follicle's active growth phase. Finasteride, an oral prescription medication, effectively reduces DHT levels, a hormone linked to male pattern baldness. Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is emerging as a popular non-invasive option, enhancing blood flow and stimulating hair regrowth. Combining these treatments with a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle further bolsters effectiveness. Personalized consultations with healthcare professionals ensure tailored treatment plans, optimizing outcomes for each individual.
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