AMC batch 1959
Today (November 25, 2022), quite accidentally, while deleting some posts to create some space on my phone, I happened to stumble upon the following post from 'Gajanan' !!!. This prompted me to open a 'page' titled "AMC batch 1959", on this blog today, to include whatever material is available about this batch. This should have been done long ago -- it's already nearly 4 years since we all met at Vizag. All the existing batch-mates are requested to send any material (photos, writings, etc.) for inclusion in this blog. They may be posted on my email ( ) or our WhatsApp group, 'AMC batch 1959' which will be copied and pasted in this digital piece which would be accessible on the Internet for anybody to see from anywhere in the world, anytime. The link is:
GAJANAN, the great
September 25, 2021.
I did not post anything on this “AMC batch 1959” WhatsApp Group’s page since August 9, 2021. When Gajanan is not here to read and enjoy, what’s the point in posting ? In his last post on this page, on July 29, 2021, he wrote “I would love to see him (Dr. Sathyavati’s grandson) on my next visit to Boston. Please give me his phone number and email ID.” This is just an example of the legendary quality of his “communication, commitment, compassion and compromise” in the words of Krishnam Raju of Sydney. Achuta Rama Rao Vyakaranam, whose part of his body is Gajanan, had no words to effectively express the loss. Akkala Naidu had rightly said “we lost our voice.” The efficiency, grit and determination of the team which conducted our LAST meet is ‘well-mentioned’ by Ravipati Prasada Rao as an outcome of Gajanan’s “skill of perseverance and persuasion” in getting so many classmates from so many geographical locations together on January 24 & 25, 2019. As factually mentioned by Ramachander, “we lost KOHINOOR of our batch.” We all belonged to that old-school sans digital reach. Gajanan made us all a bit literate on the Internet. He spent a lot of time during those two days in January studiously collecting our digital contact IDs while we were all enjoying the time. It was Gajanan who inspired me to open this “AMC batch 1959 WhatsApp Group” to keep us connected. He wrote in one of his email communications that he takes “attendance” of our batch-mates every month to confirm that all of us are present in this world ! He was taking “attendance” for us in the department of Bio-chemistry ! After August 9, 2021, who will do that job ? As his name suggests, he had been an ‘elephantine head’ for our batch, watching over the herd of ‘AMC batch 1995’. As the Captain left the ship, the Co-captains should fill the void.
In his email of April 23, 2021, while attaching his poem “Naa swaagatham yevariki cheppaydi”, he wrote: “I thought why not follow our greatest Telugu writers of our class, Dr. Achuta Rama Rao and Murali Mohan Krishna. I can write like them !” His scholarly contributions and philanthropic initiatives have been laudable. ‘Anuragamayi Educational Scholarship Trust’, which he founded is an example of how he was actively engaged to help poor students against so many odds. Though my association with Gajanan had been very short and distant, his communications to me had been very close and emotional. There are only a few in this world, like Gajanan, who had so thoroughly read and enjoyed my “scribblings.”
He wrote to me on June 7, 2021: “Dear Dr. Rama Prasad, … Hats off to you and I congratulate you again and again. We are all proud of you. … We came to know of your whereabouts very late, but we enjoyed your company in our last alumni meeting. May God give us both long life to see more writings by you. … The words of Prof. C. H. Sivaraman are a proof of your talent and mettle, besides charity. Among our classmates, two more, Dr. Radha Rama and Dr. Sitarama Swamy are still helping many patients like you. ..” Even while I was thinking of writing a reply to this communication and mulling over an idea of contributing to his ‘educational trust’, God had decided to take care of Gajanan hereafter.
T. Rama Prasad
January 24, 2019
The riveting scene of a huge trunk and numerous prop roots of a banyan tree, and a huge statue of Buddha which could be seen through the huge window is very memorable. I don't know how many of you remember seeing it at the Green Park Hotel where we had the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations. Hats off to the architect who cared not only to save the tree which may be older than us, but also extending its undefinable beauty into the lobby of the hotel through the gigantic window !!! See more about TREES & PLANTS in the link below.
NATURE is great ( ).
The centrally seated lady in pink sari in the above photo is my sister NIRMALA DEVI who came all the way from Singapore just to be with us to share the experience of the Diamond Jubilee celebration. She studied M.Sc. Botany in Andhra University along with my wife RAJYALAKSHMI (seated next to Nirmala in the photo) as her classmate and roommate at the same time when we were all in the final year / internship at AMC. After the Celebration, we three had the pleasure of staying for a couple of days with my nephew B. R. PRASAD and his son HARADEEP and their family members who settled in Visakhapatnam. To know more about our VIZAG story, go to "OUR LOVE STORY and GOOD OLD DAYS" : ;
Visakhapatnam 1959 to date
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24 January 2019: Green Park Hotel, Visakhapatnam
25 January 2019: Sai Priya Beach Resort, Rishi Konda
Dear Class Fellows,
We have completed all the necessary arrangements for our Grand Reunion on the occasion of Shasti Poorthi (60 years of joining Andhra Medical College). This is a preview of the event, with a Final Reminder to those who have not yet confirmed their attendance. Please hurry up and confirm your bookings for journey, stay and participation in this unforgettable event. At any rate, you should not miss this.
Numbers Game!: We have 77 classmates on our list and we are expecting 60 classmates and 35 spouses. Please encourage other undecided friends to attend.
Accommodation: There are only limited number of discounted rooms available at Green Park Hotel. Please send your e-mail request to: Copy to:
You can also phone the hotel directly: +91-891-661-5151 and ask for Vasu.
Give our Code: A M C 1959. Any problem, give a ring to Akkala Naidu.
Your Arrival: PLEASE ARRIVE IN VISAKHAPATNAM BY 23rd January 2019 AN so that you can take rest before participating in the programme on 24th & 25th Jan 2019.
Pre- Reunion Dinner: You all are invited by Rajya Lakshmi & Murali Mohana Krishna Prayaga for Dinner at their residence, on 23 January at 6.00 p.m.
Address: 304 & 305, Bhagya Sai Apartments, Opp. Century Club, Vizag.
We are delighted to inform you that our beloved Professor S S Reddy garu will be attending as our Chief guest on Day-1. Programme on 25 January will now be conducted at Sai Priya Beach Resort. We have invited the well known writer and actor, Sri Gollapudi Maruthi Rao garu who will address us on Day 2.
Final Programme
DAY-1: 24 January 2019. Venue: Main Function Hall, Green Park Hotel
8 a.m. to 9 a.m.: BREAKFAST & REGISTRATION
9.30 a.m.: Programme starts with Vedic Blessings & Prayer song.
Welcome Address
Obituary to Departed Friends, no longer with us.
Address by Chief Guest: Professor S Srinivasula Reddy.
Individual Introductions; Exchange of greetings; Reminiscences; Presentation of Mementos by Chief Guest.
11 a.m.: Coffee Break and GROUP PHOTO
11.30 a.m.: Above Programme continues.
1.0 p.m. to 2.0 pm: LUNCH
2.0 p.m. Above Programme continues.
3.00 p.m.: High Tea
Evening Session: Decorated Lawns of Green Park Hotel
07.0 p.m.: Cocktails & Refreshments
Musical Programme – with nostalgic film songs of our student days.
09.00 p.m: Dinner will be served (Music continues).
10.30 p.m.: CLOSE OF DAY 1.
DAY-2: 25 January 2019
09.30 a.m.: Coaches will leave from Green Park Hotel
10.00 a.m.: Arrival at Sai Priya Resort.
Coffee / Tea
10.30 a.m.: Bharatha Natyam / Kuchipudi by Kalakshetra students.
11.30 a.m.: Celebrity Guest Speaker, Gollapudi Maruthi Rao
12.30 p.m.: Free Time
01.00 p.m.: LUNCH
02.00 to 03.00 p.m.: Free Time
Coffee / Tea
04.00 p.m.: Coaches depart to Green Park Hotel
are preferred. If you bring credit/debit cards, ATM is there to draw cash).
Non-residents of Green Park hotel: Please make your own arrangements for
breakfast on 25 January (Day 2) before leaving for picnic. Please be prompt for coach pick up on Day 2 at Green Park Hotel by 9:00 AM. If you wish to use your own vehicle, you may do so & arrive directly in Rishikonda and enquire about Saipriya Beach Resort.
A specially designed Memento of this historic meet will be presented to all the delegates to take home on Day-1.
Dr N Gajanana Rao Dr K Akkala Naidu Dr Adams Dr V Atchuta Rama Rao
(984-910-3439) (944-121-6400) (984-925-6476 (970-410-6861)
Hi Rama Prasad,
It is so nostalgic and wonderful narration, I read word by word what all you wrote. I am sure that we all loved your writings. We, all our classmates missed you and your talents all these years. When you meet all of us in Jan 2019, you will meet two more poets and great writers among us, Dr Achyuta Rama Rao of UK and Prayaga Murali Mohana Krishna of many countries, settled in Visakhapatnam. We should see more of you.
With Best Wishes,
Prof Nanduri Gajanana Rao
B.Sc; M.B; B.S; MNAMS; Ph.D. (Computer Aided Medicine).
Retd Professor and International Adviser on Clinical Informatics, Quality Healthcare and Telemedicine,
Supervisor and Examiner for Ph.D. Students,
Ex Lt Colonel, Indian Army.
984-910-3439; 767-397-2459
Wed, Apr 3, 2019, 3:18 AM
From NGR to all my Friends for ever.
One attachment
• Scanned by Gmail
From: Gajanan Nanduri <>
Date: Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 10:36 AM
Subject: Document from Gajanan Nanduri
To: <>
Dear All our Friends,
Kindly see the Paper cutting on the day of retirement of
Our Classmate, Dr Sreeramulu Kankipati, Forensic Pathologist, who worked for
the government of Barbados for more than 2 decades.
Now, he settled down in California, USA. Due to many health problems, he is not sure whether he can make the trip
to Vyzag in Jan 2019. I am boosting his morale and immunity to withstand the journey to India. We did not know about him
and his address, hence, he could not take part in any one of our re-unions until now.
We pray the Almighty to give him adequate strength to him such that, he can come to Vyzag with full support from his devoted wife.
Prof NG Rao
984-910-3439 and 767-397-2459
PS: Some of our friends have been asking me how to send the subscription for our re-union. All of you kindly bring cash to the receptionist
table of our get-together and pay to one of our classmates meant to handle the cash. If you have credit card or debit card, you can withdraw
cash in the hotel or any where nearby. We will not be able to handle cheques or demand drafts as we experienced problems last time.
The hotel people accept both cash and credit/debit cards for the room rent.
One attachment
• Scanned by Gmail
Sat, Oct 27, 2018, 2:33 AM
October 27, 2018
Hi, BULLET (Laxminarayana Reddy) !!!
Thank you for your compliment on my writing faculty and for remembering me. I have a bit of photography talent which I owe it to you ... read the following excerpt from my 'scribbling' titled "My Love Story & Good Old Days" to understand how I owe it to you.
" ... My father used to send me Rs.100 per month by ‘postal money order’ (an amount which may not be sufficient to have a good breakfast in a good hotel today !). Postman used to come to the hostel and deliver the money. Bank services were not well developed; credit cards, debit cards and online transactions were not even in the dreams. After paying the ‘hostel mess bill’ I used to lavish a little of the extra money for my hobby of photography. The Yashika roll film camera (no digital cameras in those days; and mostly ‘Black & White’ pictures) of one of my classmates (V.L.N. Reddy who settled in UK ) used to be with me always. ..."
What happened to that Yashika camera ? Perhaps, it found its way into a garbage bin !
Dear Bullet and other friends, click on the following link of the 'scribbling' I referred to above which would take you down memory lane to the 1960s in Vizag:
Where are N.V. Chalam, P. L. Rama Dayal, J. Prabhakara Reddy, Satya Pal (Body builder), that Anglo-Indian girl, Simpson, and that tall hefty figure who used to wear a neck tie as a clinical student ?
T. Rama Prasad,
యేమిసేతురా వెంకటేశ్వరా
April 23, 2021
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Apr 23, 2021, 7:26 PM
Dear Friends,
I thought why not to follow our greatest telugu writers of our class Dr Achyuta Rama Rao and Murali Mohan Krishna ? I can't write like them.
I am making a small effort. I used to write few real classical telugu poems in my SSLC days and a Loyola College (Intermediate) and left it and forgot.
I wrote few Free hand English poems in BSc and MB;BS and I left that also 60 years back.
Please read the attached poems and try to give me answers on behalf of GOD.
Attached: నా స్వగతం - ఎవరికి చెప్పేది ?
రచన : డాక్టరు నండూరి గజానన రావు
నాస్వ గతం-ఎవరికిచెప్పే ది? రచన : డాక్రుట నండూరి గజానన రావు
యేమిసేతురావెంకటేశ్వ రా
నామొరలుఏవీ నీకుచేరలేవురా నీవెంతదూరానఉనాా వోఎరికే లేదాయేమాఆరతనాదాలు,వినా పాలునీకుచేరలేదాయే నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
మాకష్టా లేవి నీకు లెకక లేదాయే నీలీలలేమిటోమాబుర్రకెకక వాయే
నీవునాా నెంటావు, లేనిచోటులేదెంటావు ఇప్పు డీర్రరెంచానికినీజవాబుఏమెంటావు? నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
మాచదువులు, అనుభవాలు ఏమీ లాభెంలేదే ఈపీడలనీా ఎప్పడు పోతాయో తెలియడెంలేదే మాఆరనాత దాలనీా నీకు చేరడెం లేదే నీకసలుచెవులునాా యోలేదోఎరికలేదే నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వరా?
తెలియనివారెందరో లక్షల్లో పోతునాా రే తెలిసినవారెంతాకనుమరుగవుతునాా రే అసలునీవునాావోలేదోతెలియదాయె ఎనిా వినతులు చేసినా నీకు చేరవాయే నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
ధనమునాా ఒకటే, లేకునాా ఒకటే
చుటాా లెెంతమెంది వునాా , లేకునాా ఒకటే ఏదీ రనిచేయదుఎనిా మెందులునాా ? నీవెంటేవునాా , నినేా కొలుస్తతనాా ? నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
రరిశోధనలెనిా చేసినా ఫలితెం దకక దాయే మెందులెనిా వాడినా వైరస్ పోదాయె
ఎనిా అనుకొనాాఏెంచేసినా ఏదీ కాదాయే రుుజువవుతెంది మా చేతిల్ల ఏమీ లేదాయె నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
ఎవరూరారుదగరగ కు,
వారవవ రూరారుఅకక రకు రరిశోధనలెనిా చేసినా వృధాయే
ఎనిాజార్గతలుత వునాా అనీా స్తనాా యే నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
ఈమహమాా రి అవతారాలెన్నా తెలియవాయే
నీ అవతారాలలాగానే ప్పడతాయేమో తెలియదాయెనేనెప్పడుఎకక డపోతాన్నతెలియదాయె దహనసెంస్కక రాలెవరుచేస్కతరోతెలియదాయెనేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
కూడబెట్టనా ధనమెంతా వైదుు లకే హుళకిక దహనాలు, కరా కాెండలు అనీా హుళకిక ర్రరెంచమెంతాపోతెంది వనకిక రాతియుగెంమళ్ళీ వసేతఅెంతారడతాెంఉలికిక నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
Thank you for your patience.
Prof (Dr) N G Rao
+91 984-910-3439 | +91 767-397-2459
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Date: Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 10:36 AM
Subject: Document from Gajanan Nanduri
To: <>
Kindly see the Paper cutting on the day of retirement of
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యేమిసేతురా వెంకటేశ్వరా
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నాస్వ గతం-ఎవరికిచెప్పే ది? రచన : డాక్రుట నండూరి గజానన రావు
యేమిసేతురావెంకటేశ్వ రా
నామొరలుఏవీ నీకుచేరలేవురా నీవెంతదూరానఉనాా వోఎరికే లేదాయే మాఆరతనాదాలు,వినా పాలునీకుచేరలేదాయే నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
మాకష్టా లేవి నీకు లెకక లేదాయే నీలీలలేమిటోమాబుర్రకెకక వాయే
నీవునాా నెంటావు, లేనిచోటు లేదెంటావు ఇప్పు డీర్రరెంచానికినీజవాబుఏమెంటావు? నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
మాచదువులు, అనుభవాలు ఏమీ లాభెంలేదే ఈపీడలనీా ఎప్పడు పోతాయో తెలియడెంలేదే మా ఆరనాత దాలనీా నీకు చేరడెం లేదే నీకసలుచెవులునాా యోలేదోఎరికలేదే నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
తెలియనివారెందరో లక్షల్లో పోతునాా రే తెలిసినవారెంతాకనుమరుగవుతునాా రే అసలునీవునాా వోలేదోతెలియదాయె ఎనిా వినతులు చేసినా నీకు చేరవాయే నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
ధనమునాా ఒకటే, లేకునాా ఒకటే
చుటాా లెెంతమెంది వునాా , లేకునాా ఒకటే ఏదీ రనిచేయదు ఎనిా మెందులునాా ? నీవెంటేవునాా , నినేా కొలుస్తతనాా ? నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
రరిశోధనలెనిా చేసినా ఫలితెం దకక దాయే మెందులెనిా వాడినా వైరస్ పోదాయె
ఎనిా అనుకొనాా ఏెంచేసినా ఏదీ కాదాయే రుుజువవుతెంది మా చేతిల్ల ఏమీ లేదాయె నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
ఎవరూరారుదగరగ కు,
వారవవ రూరారుఅకక రకు రరిశోధనలెనిా చేసినా వృధాయే
ఎనిా జార్గతలుత వునాా అనీా స్తనాా యే నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
ఈమహమాా రి అవతారాలెన్నా తెలియవాయే
నీ అవతారాలలాగానే ప్పడతాయేమో తెలియదాయె నేనెప్పడుఎకక డపోతాన్నతెలియదాయె దహనసెంస్కక రాలెవరుచేస్కతరోతెలియదాయె నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
కూడబెట్టనా ధనమెంతా వైదుు లకే హుళకిక దహనాలు, కరా కాెండలు అనీా హుళకిక ర్రరెంచమెంతా పోతెంది వనకిక రాతియుగెంమళ్ళీ వసేతఅెంతారడతాెంఉలికిక నేనేమిసేతురాశ్రీవెంకటేశ్వ రా?
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