RAJYALAKSHMI & International Women's Day 2025 & 2024
"International Women's Day 2025, observed on March 8, 2025 adopts the campaign theme "Accelerate Action," emphasising the urgency of advancing gender equality. According to the World Economic Forum, at the current pace, achieving full gender parity may take until 2158—approximately five generations from now.
Today, we celebrate a special occasion that honours the achievements, struggles, and triumphs of women across the world - International Women's Day. Celebrated on March 8th every year, this day not only reminds us of the importance of gender equality but also acknowledges the tremendous contributions women have made to society.
International Women's Day is a call to action - a call to break down the barriers that still exist, to challenge stereotypes, and to ensure that every woman has the opportunity to thrive. It is a day to reflect on how far we have come in empowering women and how much farther we need to go to ensure that all women are treated with dignity, respect, and equality.
India's history and culture are profoundly shaped by the remarkable contributions of its women, who have consistently challenged societal expectations and achieved extraordinary feats. From ancient India to the present day, their courage, intellect, and resilience have paved the way for future generations.
Consider figures like Rani Lakshmi Bai, who embodied fierce resistance; Indira Gandhi, a powerful political leader; Kiran Bedi, a trailblazing law enforcement officer; Mira Bai Chanu, a champion weightlifter; and Kalpana Chawla, a pioneering astronaut. These women, among countless others, have shattered stereotypes and demonstrated excellence across diverse fields, including politics, science, sports, and leadership. Their inspiring stories serve as a powerful reminder that no aspiration is unattainable and no obstacle insurmountable.
In conclusion, let us remember the words of the great feminist and activist, Gloria Steinem: "The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist, nor to any one organisation, but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights."
Thank you. So make International Women's Day your day and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women.
Happy Women's Day to all ."
International Women’s Day March 8
A reprint of the article written by Mrs. V. S. Rajyalakshmi, M.Sc, (former Asst Professor in Vellalar College for Women, Erode) on the occasion of “International Women’s Day” and published in the “UDAYAM” newspaper of March 8, 2024 is in the following pages along with ‘machine-translations’ in English and Tamil.
Some of the women staff members clad in
“Women’s Day Dress Uniform”
Machine-translation into Tamil from the original article in Telugu by Mrs. V. S. Rajyalakshmi, M.Sc.
மார்ச் 8 - சர்வதேச மகளிர் தினம்
மகளிர் தினம் எப்போது தொடங்கியது?
மகளிர் தினம் முதன்மையாக தொழிலாளர் இயக்கத்திலிருந்து தோன்றியது.
ஆரம்பத்தில் இதை மகளிர் தொழிலாளர் இயக்கம் என அழைத்தனர். 1908-ல், குறைந்த வேலை நேரங்கள், சிறந்த சம்பளங்கள், வாக்குரிமைகளுக்காகநியூயார்க் நகரில் 15,000-க்கும் மேற்பட்ட பெண்கள் போராட்டம் செய்தனர். அவர்களின் கோரிக்கைகளை கருத்தில் கொண்டு அமெரிக்காவின்சோஷியலிஸ்ட் கட்சி 1909-ஆம் ஆண்டை தேசிய மகளிர் ஆண்டாக அறிவித்தது.
1910-ல் கோபன்ஹேகனிலும், 1913-ல் ரஷ்யாவிலும், ஆஸ்ட்ரியா, டென்மார்க், ஜெர்மனி, சுவிட்சர்லாந்து போன்ற நாடுகளில் இந்த மகளிர் தினம்கொண்டாடப்பட்டது. வெவ்வேறு நாடுகளில், வெவ்வேறு தேதிகளில் இந்த சர்வதேச மகளிர் தினம் கொண்டாடப்பட்டது.
இறுதியாக மார்ச் 8 தேதி சர்வதேச மகளிர் தினமாக முடிவு செய்யப்பட்டது.
அதன் முதல் முதலிலிருந்து உலகம் முழுவதும் ஒரும ித்த முறையில் மார்ச் 8 அன்று சர்வதேச மகளிர் தினம் கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது. உலகம் முழுவதும்பெண்களின் உயர்வையும், முக்கியத்துவத்தையும் அங்கீகரித்து மதிப்பு செலுத்துவதே இந்த மகளிர் தினத்தின் பிரதான நோக்கம்.
சமத்துவம், பாதுகாப்பு, வளர்ச்சித் திட்டங்கள், முடிவுகள் எடுப்பதில் பெண்களுக்கு பிரதிநிதித்துவம், பெண்கள் மீதான வன்முறையை ஒழிப்பது, பெண்களின் உரிமைகளை காக்கும் போன்றவற்றை முக்கியமாக்க வேண்டும். இந்த மகளிர் தினத்தின் லட்சியம் எங்கு பெண்கள் மதிக்கப்படுகிறார்களோ, அங்கு தெய்வங்கள் வசிக்கின்றனர் என்பதைக் குறிக்கிறது.
நமது வரலாற்று பக்கங்களை நோக்கினால், பல ஆட்சி செய்த மகளிர் பலரை காணலாம், உதாரணமாக ஜான்சி ராணி, ருத்ரமா தேவி, ரஜியாசுல்தானா போன்றவர்கள் முக்கியமானவர்கள். இந்தியாவின் இரும்பு பெண்மணி என கொண்டாடப்படும் முன்னாள் பிரதம மந்திரி செல்வி இந்திரா காந்தி ..
இந்தியாவிலிருந து விண்வெளிக்கு சென்ற முதல் பெண் கல்பனா சாவ்லா இவ்வாறு பல பெண்கள் ஊக்கமளிக்கும் வகையில் நின்றுள்ளனர். பெண்உருவாக்கத்தின் மூலம் உள்ளது
பெண்கள் இல்லாமல் பிறப்பு இல்லை.
பெண்கள் இல்லாமல் நகர்வு இல்லை
பெண்கள் இல்லாமல் உயிர் இல்லை.
பெண்கள் இல்லாவிட்டால் உலகமே இல்லை
தாயாக, மகளாக, சகோதரியாக, அக்காவாக, மருமகளாக, மாமியாராக, அத்தையாக
இவ்வாறு பல்வேறு அவதாரங்களில், தனது கடமைகளை, சரியான நேரத்தில்
நிறைவேற்றி, குடும்ப பாரத்தை தாங்குவதில் தனக்கு தானே சமம்
என்று உணர்கிறார் பெண் .. அதனால் தான் பெண்ணை நமது கவிஞர்கள்
கார்யேஷு தாசீ, கரணேஷு மந்த்ரீ, போஜ்யேஷு மாதா, சயனேஷு ரம்பா
என வர்ணித்துள்ளனர். ஒவ்வொரு ஆணின் வெற்றிக்கு பின்னால் ஒரு பெண் உள்ளார். பெண் இல்லாமல் வாழ்க்கையே இல்லை. சமீப காலங்களில் பெண்கள்கல்வி, மருத்துவம், வணிகம், அரசியல், விளையாட்டு வங
கித்துறை, விண்வெளி, தொழில்நுட்பம் போன்ற துறைகளில் முக்கிய பங்கு
வகிக்கின்றனர். நாட்டை ஆளும் அரச தலைவர்கள், கார்ப்பரேட் துறையில்
முன்னேறிக்கொண்டிருக்கும் பெண்கள், வணிகத்துறையில் ஒளிரும் பெண்கள், விளையாட்டு
துறையில் பிரகாசிக்கும் வீராங்கனைகள், குடும்பங்களை நடத்தும் அம்மாக்கள் - இவ்வாறு பெண்களின் வெற்றிகளுக்கு எல்லைகள் இல்லை என்பதைக்காட்டுகின்றன. எந்த துறை என்றாலும் ஆண்களுக்கு நாங்கள் குறைந்துபோகவில்லை என்று சொல்கின்றன பெண் சக்தி.
ஆண்களுக்கு நிகராக வெற்றிகளை பெறுகின்றனர். புதிய சமூக உருவாக்கத்தில் பெண்களின் சமத்துவமே நாட்டின் முன்னேற்றத்திற்கான அடித்தளம். நாகரிகசமூக உணர்வை, சமூக பொறுப்புகளை
சவால் விடுத்து நீண்டு செல்லும் பெண்கள் இன்று பல அத்துமீறல்களுக்கு
இலக்காகின்றனர். அரசு எத்தனை சட்டங்களை செய்தாலும் அவை பலவீனமாக
இருக்கின்றன. ஒவ்வொரு பெண்ணும்
தைரியமாக இவற்றை எதிர்கொள்ள முடியும் வீரத்தை
வளர்த்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும். தன்னை தானே காக்கும் நோக்கில் சில மார்ஷல் ஆர்ட்ஸ் கற்றுக்கொள்ள வேண்டும். தன்னை தானே காக்கும்
திறனை வளர்க்க வேண்டும். எப்போதும் எச்சரிக்கையுடன் இருந்து தடைகளை கடந்து முன்னேற வேண்டும். வெவ்வேறு பின்னணியில், பல்வேறு துறைகளில்வெற்றி கண்ட மகளிரை மதிப்பது, ஊக்குவிப்பது, அவர்களின் உயர்விற்கு உழைப்பதே இந்த
சர்வதேச மகளிர் தின நோக்கம்.
சமத்துவம், உரிமைகள், மரியாதை, சுய மரியாதையை காப்பதே அல்லாமல், சமூகத்தில், பொருளாதாரமாக அனைத்து விதங்களிலும் பின்தங்கிய
வர்க்கங்களை உயர் நிலைக்கு கொண்டுவர முடியும் சட்டங்கள் வர வேண்டும்.
பின்தங்கிய வர்க்கங்களிலும் சமத்துவத்தை உருவாக்க வேண்டும்..
அவர்களை உயர் நிலைக்கு சேர்க்க இந்திய நாடு எடுத்துக்கொண்ட முடிவே
இன்றைய நமது மதிப்புக்குரிய திரௌபதி முர்முவின் பதவி.
பெண்க ளை மதிப்பது, சட்டங்களின் அறிவை கொஞ்சம் வரை
பள்ளிகளில் அறிமுகப்படுத்தினால், கொஞ்சம் வரையிலாவது மனித திருஷ்டிகோணத்தில்
மாற்றம் வரும் என நம்புவோம்!
இந்த சர்வதேச மகளிர் தினத்தில் மகளிர் சிக்கல்களைப் போராடி வென்ற அவர்களை இன்று நினைவு கூர்வோம்!
மன உறுதி, உறுதிமொழி, சிரமங்களை எதிர்கொள்ளும் சக்தி, படைப்பிற்கு மாற்று படைப்பு செய்யும் மகளிர்! முன்னே
உன்னை நீ அறிந்து கொள், மதிக்க, நேசி, மற்றும் விரும்பி
சமூகத்தை நேசி, உயர்த்தி, நிலைநிறுத்து -
இந்த சர்வதேச மகளிர் தினத்தில், அனைத்து மகளிருக்கும்'இனிய வாழ்த்துக்கள்
Machine-translation into English:
International Women's Day - March 8, 2024
When did “Women's Day” start? Women's Day originated from the early labour movement. It was initially called “Women's Labor Day”. In 1908, over 15,000 women in New York City protested for shorter working hours, better wages, and voting rights. In recognition of their demands, the Socialist Party of America declared 1909 as “National Women's Year”. In 1910, the “International Women's Day”was celebrated in Copenhagen, and in 1913, it was celebrated in Russia, Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. In different countries, this “International Women's Day” was celebrated on different dates. Finally, March 8 was chosen as the “International Women's Day”. Since then, International Women's Day has been celebrated unanimously on March 8 every year all over the world.
The main purpose of this ‘Women's Day’ is to recognize and honour the importance of women all over the world. It is about giving importance to women and ensure them with equal rights, security, development schemes, representation in decision-making, elimination of violence against women, and protection of women's rights.
Where women are worshipped, there angels live. If we turn the pages of our history, we can see many women who ruled kingdoms. Prominent among them are Rani Lakshmibai, Rudrama Devi, and Razia Sultana.
The “Iron Lady of India”, the former Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi and Kalpana Chawla, the first woman from India to go into space, are just a couple of examples of eminence.
Women have been an inspiration in many fields such as education, medicine, business, politics, sports, banking, space, and technology. Women's power says that they are no less than men in any field. They are achieving success on par with men. Equality of women, who are half of the new society, is the basis for the progress of any country.
Women who share social consciousness and social responsibilities are facing many atrocities today. No matter how many laws the government makes, they are becoming ineffective. Every woman should develop the courage to face these challenges. Women should learn some martial arts to protect themselves. They should develop the ability to protect themselves. They should be vigilant and move forward overcoming obstacles.
The goal of this International Women's Day is to honor, encourage, and work for the upliftment of all. Some women are already excelling in different backgrounds and fields.
Laws should be enacted to protect and ensure equality, rights, respect, and self-respect, and to bring those who are backward in any respect to a higher level. The decision taken by India to create equality even among the backward classes is exemplified by the election of our respected
Droupadi Murmu as the President of India today.
Let us hope that if we inculcate respect for women and awareness of laws to some extent in the minds of school students, there will be some change in the human perspective in near future. On this “International Women's Day”, let us remember and respect those who fought for women's welfare. A woman with mental strength, grit, determination, the ability to face difficulties, and the ability to recreate creation can truly make a forward step.
Know yourself first, respect yourself, love yourself, love and uplift the society you live in, and reform it -- that’s the real progress.
Happy International Women's Day to all women !
... Rajyalaksmi, March 8, 2024
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March 8, 2024 Some typographical & grammatical mistakes are present in this transcription.
మార్చి - 8- అంతర్జాతీయ మహిళాదినోత్సవం
మహిళా దినోత్సవం ఎప్పుడు ప్రారంభమైంది ?
ముహిళా దినోత్సవం మొదటి కార్మిక ఉద్యమం నుండి ఆవిర్భవించింది. మొట్ట మొదట
దీనిని మహిళా శ్రామిక ఉద్యమంగా పిలిచేవారు. 1908 లో తక్కువ పనిగంటలు,
మెరుగైన వేతనాలు, ఓటుహక్కుల కోసం న్యూయార్డు సిటిలో 15 వేలమందికి పైగా
మహిళలు ప్రదర్శనలు జరిపారు. వారి కోరికలను దృష్టిలో పెట్టుకుని అమెరికాలోని
సోషలిస్టుపార్టీ 1909 ని జాతీయ మహిళా సంవత్సరంగా ప్రకటించిది. 1910 న కోపెన్హాగన్ లోను, 1913 న రష్యాలోను, ఆస్ట్రియా, స్విట్జర్లాండ్ మొదలగు దేశాలలో ఈ మహిళా దినోత్సవాన్ని జరుపు కున్నారు. వివిధ దేశాలలో, వేరు వేరు తేదీలలో ఈ అంతర్జాతీయ మహిళా దినోత్సవాన్నిజరుపుకున్నారు.
చివరకు మార్చి 8 వతేదీ అంతర్జాతీయ మహిళాదినంగా నిర్ణయించ బడింది. అప్పటి
నుండీ ప్రతి యేటా మార్చి 8 వ తేదీన ప్రపంచమంతటా ఏకగ్రీవంగా అంతర్జాతీయ
మహిళా దినోత్సవాన్ని జరుపుకుంటున్నారు.
ప్రపంచమంతా స్త్రీల కౌన్నత్యాన్ని, ప్రాముఖ్యతను గుర్తించి గౌరవించాలనేదే ఈ
మహిళాదిన ముఖ్యద్దేశం. సమాన హక్కులు, భద్రత, అభివృద్ధి పథకాలు, నిర్ణయాలు, తీసుకోవడంలో స్త్రీలకు
ప్రాతినిద్యం, వనితలపై హింసానిర్మూలన, మహిళల హర్కులను సంరక్షించటం మొదలైన వాటితో స్త్రీకి ముఖ్యత్వాన్నియివ్వాలి. ‘యత్రనార్యస్తు పూజ్యంతేరమంతే తత్ర దేవతా’ అన్నది
సూక్తి. ‘ఎక్కడైతే స్త్రీలు పూజింపబడతారో, అక్కడదేవతలు కొఱవుంటారు’ అని అర్ధం.
మన చరిత్ర పుటలు తిరగేస్తే రాజ్యాలేలిన మహిళలు ఎందరో కనిపిస్తారు -- ఝాన్సీరాణి,
రుద్రమదేవి, రజియా సుల్తానా లాంటి వారు ప్రముఖులు. ’The Iron lady of India’ గా
పిలువబడుతున్న మహిళా ప్రధాని శ్రీమతి ఇందిరాగాంధీ భారతదేశపుతోలి మహిళ.
భారత దేశం నుంచి అంతరిక్షంలోకి వెళ్లిన తొలి మహిళ కల్పనా చావ్లా. ఇలాఎందరో
మహిళలు స్ఫూర్తి దాయకంగా నిలిచారు. స్త్రీయే సృష్టికి మూలం; స్త్రీలేనిదే జననంలేదు; స్త్ర లేనిదే గమనం లేదు; స్త్రీ లేనిదే సృష్టిలో జీవంలేదు. స్త్రీ లేకపోతే అసలు సృష్టే లేదు.
ఒక తల్లిగా, బిడ్డగా, చెల్లిగా, అక్కగా, వదినగా, అత్తగా, పిన్నిగా -- ఇలా రకరకాల అవతారాలతో, తనదైన బాధ్యతలను, సకాలంలోనిర్వహిస్తూ, కుటుంబ భారాన్ని మోయటంలో తనకు తానే సాటి అనిపించుకుంటుంది స్త్రీ.. అందుకే స్త్రీని మనకవులు కార్యేషుదాసీ, కరణేషు మంత్రే, భో..షు మాతా, శయనేషు రంభా అని వ్యవహరించారు.
ప్రతి పురుషుడి విజయానికి వెనుక స్త్రీ ఉంటుంది. స్త్రీ లేనిదే మనుగడే లేదు. సమీపకాలంలో స్త్రీ విద్య, వైద్యం, వ్యాపారం, రాజకీయాలు, క్రీడలు, అంతరిక్షం, టెక్నాలజీ మొదలైన రంగాలలో కీలక పాత్ర వహిస్తున్నారు.
దేశాన్ని పాలించే ప్రభుత్వాధినేతలు, కార్పొరేట్ రంగంలో దూసుకుపోతున్న వనితలు, వాణిజ్యపరంగంలో వెలుగుతున్నఅతివలు క్రీడా రంగంలో కాంతులీనుతున్న క్రీడామణులు, సామాన్య కుటుంబాలనునడిపించే అమ్మలు - ఇలా మహిళలవిజయాలకు హద్దులేదనిపిస్తోంది. రంగం ఏదైనా పురుషులకు తామేమీ తీసిపోమని చెప్తాంది స్త్రీ శక్తి. పురుషులకు దీటుగావిజయాలను సాధిస్తున్నారు. నవ సమాజ నిర్మాణంలో సగభాగమైన స్త్రీ సమానత్వమే దేశ ప్రగతికి మూలం. సభ్య సమాజ చైతన్యాన్ని, సామాజికి బాధ్యతలనుసవాలు చేస్తూ సాగి పోతున్న స్త్రీలు నేడు అనేక అత్యాచారాలకు గురవుతున్నారు. ప్రభుత్వం ఎన్ని చట్టాలుచేసినా నిర్వీర్యమైపాతున్నాయి. ప్రతివనితా ధైర్యంగా వీటిని ఎదుర్కోగలిగే సాహసాన్ని పెంపొందించుకోవాలి. తనను తానురక్షించుకోవటం కోసం స్త్రీ కొన్ని మార్షల్ ఆర్ట్స్ నేర్చుకోవాలి. తనని తాను రక్షించుకోగలిగే సామర్థ్యాన్ని అలవరచుకోవాలి. అనుక్షణంఅప్రమత్తతగా ఉంటూ అవరోధాలను అధిగమిస్తూ అడుగు ముందుకెయ్యాలి.
విభిన్న నేపథ్యంలో, వివిధరంగాలలో రాణిస్తున్న మహిళల..గౌరవించటం, ప్రోత్సహించటం, వారి ఉన్నతికి శ్రమించడమే ఈఅంతర్జాతీయ మహిళా దినోత్సవలక్ష్యం. సమానత్వం హక్షులు, గౌరవం, ఆత్మగౌరవాన్ని సంరక్షించుకోవటమే కాకుండా, సమాజంలో, ఆర్థికంగా అన్ని విధాలవెనుకబడిన వారిని ఉన్నతస్థాయికి తీసుకురాగలిగే చట్టాలు రావాలి. వెనుకబడిన వర్గాలలో కూడా సమానత్వంసృష్టించాలని, వారిని ఉన్నతస్థాయికి చేర్చాలని భారత దేశం తీసుకున్న నిర్ణయమే ఈనాటి మన గౌరవనీయులైన ద్రౌపది ముర్మూగారిపదవి. స్త్రీలను గౌరవించటం, చట్టాల అవగాహన పాఠశాలల్లో ప్రవేశ పెళితే, కొంత వరకైనా మనిషి దృక్పథంలో మార్పు వస్తుందనిఆశిద్దాం!
ఈ అంతర్జాతీయ మహిళా దినోత్సవాన మహిళాసమస్యలపై పోరాడినావారిని ఈ రోజున స్మరించుకుందాం! మానసిక ధృఢత్వం, సంకల్పబలం, కష్టాలనుఎదుర్కొనగలిగే శక్తి, సృష్టికి ప్రతిసృష్టి చేయగల మహిళా! ముందునిన్ను నువ్వు తెలుసుకో, గౌరవించుకో, ప్రేమించుకో, ఆతరు వాత సమాజాన్ని ప్రేమించు, ఉద్ధరించు, సంస్థరించు.
ఈ అంతర్జాతీయ మహిళాదినోత్సవాన, మహిళలందరి కి'
శుభాకాంక్షలు 2024
Writer : V. S. Rajyalakshmi, M. Sc.
Publisher : UDAYAM
International Women's Day, originally called International Working Women's Day, is celebrated on March 8 every year. Let everybody appreciate, encourage and empower women. In general, women are innately more focussed and responsible in doing work than men. Internationally, women made great strides – just look into my blog articles on related subjects.
Women deserve to have a heady mix of triumph and self-esteem for the right reasons. It is a reflection of empowerment and assertion. But, most of the women in India are unaware of the global euphoria. Women were adored and admired in our ancient days. Despite the "liberation" we have today, the Indian women seem to require more respect and security now than ever. The feudal mind set of the people comes in the shape of harassers, cat-callers, criminals and rapists.
Our womenfolk have traditionally occupied the lower perches on the social totem. The medieval social attitudes, male-dominated India, patriarchal prejudices and unconscionable customs that confer social sanction to insult and bulldoze women seem to be the root cause for outraging modesty of women. We seem to have a primeval instinct to gang up on the weaker sex and enjoy a fleeting sense of power. This social attitude should change.
Only women can change this through REAL EDUCATION of their children at home inculcating moral values in life. Men educate their children mostly to place them in an EARNING position in this materialistic world. Even the schools do the same thing like marks-oriented machines. Even temples have become places visited mostly by pseudo-devotees seeking favours from gods. This changed “HOME, SCHOOL & TEMPLE” culture can be set right only by WOMEN. Women have that innate goodness of a human being. Women have the capacity to change the rotten society, and they should do more for this than degrading themselves to the level of men through gender equality. If women also degrade to materialism, even gods can’t shift the society to humanistic ideals. Not a day is passing these days without a horrific and shocking crime.
Let us all provide what all such SOCIETY-BUILDING women wish to have, as they are the architects of humanity on this planet. On this International Women’s Day, I don't want to lecture on what is to be done for the betterment of WOMEN for one simple reason. Most of the utterances, on most of these 'International Days', are mostly ritualistic. Rhetoric -- ritualistic rhetoric and empty rhetoric -- rolls off the lips generously, every year, without any credible follow-up. And, most of the theatrical activity dissipates quickly, much like the fizzling out of the effervescence from a soda bottle. The next day, it would be 'business as usual'. One who follows up these acts can visualise a great scenario of farcical dimensions. Let's leave the hypocrisy, talk less and do more for the welfare of women in the next one year and evaluate on March 8 of 2025. Until then, goodbye !
-- Dr. T. Rama Prasad, Perundurai, India.
Go to : https://drtramaprasad.blogspot.com/2017/04/girl-child-golden-child_29.html
“Behind every successful man, there is a woman.”
Very truly
each other.
Uniquely meritorious
Ashwini, an amazing power behind the dynamic stalwart, Raghu.

At 'SAN' organisation, on the International Women's Day, Syed, in his speech said : "... It's my pleasure to admire about my mother, my wife, my daughter, my sisters and my "AMMA", a great woman at my previous work place, Prof. V. S. Rajyalakshmi (w/o Dr. T. Rama Prasad) who is an inspiration to us all here. ..."

You may please post any VIDEOS, PHOTOS or TEXT related to WOMEN's DAY or WOMEN to my WhatsApp account or Email which will be included in this BLOG. -- T. Rama Prasad
The following is a list of some of my 'scribblings', including a few from the 28 articles on COVID published in a monthly medical journal in 30 months (a world record). To open them, click on any of the titles. -- T. Rama Prasad
Blog Archive
· ▼ 2017 (115)
o ▼ March (1)
o ▼ April (112)
§ Science and Nonsense about COVID
§ WORLD CANCER DAY ..February 4, 2017
§ GRADUATION DAY -- 2018, Perundurai Medical Col...
§ POLLUTION, Disease and Deepaavali
§ To live in INDIA or ABROAD ?
§ SUNDAY LUNCH ... Dec 3, 2017
§ LOCKDOWN MEDICINE -- too toxic ?
§ SWINE FLU -- A (H1 N1) influenza
§ MODERN MEDICINE -- the Good, the Bad and th...
§ RAJYALAKSHMI & International Women's Day 2024
§ SHIVA, KRISHNA, Ramanuja & Ramanujan
§ OUR LOVE STORY & good old days
o ▼ May (2)
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o ▼ January (1)
· ▼ 2020 (3)
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o ▼ April (1)
o ▼ June (1)
· ▼ 2022 (1)
o ▼ October (1)
· ▼ 2023 (17)
o ▼ January (15)
§ TUBERCULOSIS -- drug-resistant
§ WOW !!!
§ COVID vaccines -- Safe or Unsafe ?
o ▼ August (1)
o ▼ October (1)
· ▼ 2024 (1)
o ▼ May (1)
Blog Archive
· ▼ 2017 (115)
o ▼ March (1)
o ▼ April (112)
§ Science and Nonsense about COVID
§ WORLD CANCER DAY ..February 4, 2017
§ GRADUATION DAY -- 2018, Perundurai Medical Col...
§ POLLUTION, Disease and Deepaavali
§ To live in INDIA or ABROAD ?
§ SUNDAY LUNCH ... Dec 3, 2017
§ LOCKDOWN MEDICINE -- too toxic ?
§ SWINE FLU -- A (H1 N1) influenza
§ MODERN MEDICINE -- the Good, the Bad and th...
§ RAJYALAKSHMI & International Women's Day 2024
§ SHIVA, KRISHNA, Ramanuja & Ramanujan
§ OUR LOVE STORY & good old days
o ▼ May (2)
· ▼ 2019 (1)
o ▼ January (1)
· ▼ 2020 (3)
o ▼ February (1)
o ▼ April (1)
o ▼ June (1)
· ▼ 2022 (1)
o ▼ October (1)
· ▼ 2023 (17)
o ▼ January (15)
§ TUBERCULOSIS -- drug-resistant
§ WOW !!!
§ COVID vaccines -- Safe or Unsafe ?
o ▼ August (1)
o ▼ October (1)
· ▼ 2024 (1)
o ▼ May (1)
Happy to see all successful women